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Which Qualities Are Essential in an Interim Manager and What Are the Signs That Someone Is Not Cut Out for Interim?

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Which Qualities Are Essential in an Interim Manager and What Are the Signs That Someone Is Not Cut Out for Interim?

Interim management can be an extremely effective way for organisations to implement solutions to any problems that arise. The world is an unpredictable place where sudden changes can come out of nowhere, making it doubly important to have a way of dealing with these changes swiftly.

One of the primary advantages of interim management is that it allows an organisation to deal with problems unfamiliar to them. For example, the impending Brexit means that many businesses in the UK now have to deal with a whole host of issues that were not previously anticipated before the EU Referendum.

Because of the highly specialised level of expertise needed in this regard, it is far more effective and reliable to bring in an interim manager who is capable of implementing solutions to this rather than attempting to deal with it on your own.

Choosing the right interim manager
There are a number of very important qualities an interim manager must possess if they are going to be able to face the task at hand successfully.

Interim managers are entering into an entirely new environment and system, so it is vital that they are flexible and adaptable in order to quickly assimilate into their new role and hit the ground running. A failure to quickly get up to speed can be critica