Labour’s First 100 Days: How Will Public Affairs Skills Requirements Shift?
Sir Keir Starmer’s first 100 days as Prime Minister have already seen substantial shifts in the UK’s political and policy landscape. Tackling the country’s financial challenge is clearly a priority, however, there are also several other areas under the spotlight and where major, market-shifting policies have been launched or are under development. Employers in fields impacted by this potential transition need to be agile in order to keep pace with market changes. But in what areas are skills requirements shifting?
Economic policy
Economic policy is possibly the number one area subject to the biggest change. It’s no secret that the UK economy has slowed down, and Labour is making substantial changes to taxation, particularly in the areas related to education and non-domiciled tax statuses. These changes, such as the removal of VAT exemptions for private schools and closing tax loopholes, are expected to fund improvements in other markets, including healthcare. Employers, particularly in remits such as financial services and the public sector that will be more directly impacted, will need to track these changes closely and advise their clients on the implications of such reforms. This will, of course, put additional pressures on public affairs professionals to ramp up their communication activity in the coming months.
Energy is another area where the roles of public affairs specialists are likely to substantially change and grow in the coming years. This is particularly true within r