Andrew Harvey: HR & Comms, Where’s the Line?
The article was first published in HR Review, 29 April 2015. Read the original article here.
The relationship between traditional HR and communications has, for some time, been a fluid one. However the advent of ‘Engagement’ as a dedicated objective – rather than simply a by-product of an Internal Communications strategy – means that the line where PR ends and HR begins is becoming increasingly blurred.
It’s no secret that the remit of HR professionals is evolving and expanding beyond recognition and with this adapting role comes a new set of responsibilities. Perhaps one of the greatest of which is a contemporary need for better communication with a number of stakeholders. Professionals must now engage with a variety of candidate pools to pipeline new talent, create and develop a strong employer brand and effectively communicate with existing employees – often internationally – to aid morale, productivity and retention.
Shifts in employee attitudes and the associated impact on engagement have been highlighted in several recent studies. For example, according t