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What Does a Post-EU World Mean for Me?

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What Does a Post-EU World Mean for Me?

That’s the question many of us will be considering right now. We’ve been discussing, debating and speculating for months but Thursday 23 June 2016 has now gone down in history as the day we decided to leave the EU.

We’re all keen to know what this really means for our personal lives, as well as the impact on our day to day lives at work. As an internal comms professional for the last 15 years (including the last two years specialising in internal comms recruitment at VMA GROUP), I know what an important role our profession has to play in communicating with employees across the country over the coming days, weeks and months.

We all know that good communication in times of change is critical, with the statistics frequently telling us we ‘could do better next time’. I’m pleased to say I regularly hear great examples of change communication delivery from our VMA GROUP ‘interim managers’ across London and the south. We’re known for having a quality network of professionals who can join any business during times of change to keep employees motivated, engaged and ultimately, ambassadors of their brand. These interims have led the communications for global HR and IT change, as well as complex financial and regulatory programmes.

A number of our forward-thinking clients are already considering their own approach to employee communication and the diverse range of impacts that need to be dealt with in a post-EU world – operationally, regulatory and culturally. There will be discussions going on up and down the UK about how best to do this – and while face to face communication should remain key, it’s also a perfect opportunity for internal comms teams to show how their digital tools can provide a brilliant platform for two way conversation across the workforce.

To find out more about how we can help you develop your career in interim communications, digital or marketing visit our interim pages, or if you are looking to hire interim talent into your team, find out how we can help you here.