Message from the CEO VMAGROUP Andrew Harvey - New Opportunities in Recruitment and Hiring in 2022

A Message From the CEO: New Opportunities in 2022

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A Message From the CEO: New Opportunities in 2022

The challenges of 2021 remain fresh in our minds, but as a new year dawns, it’s a perfect opportunity for communications and marketing professionals to embark on targeting fresh goals, with the hope of better times ahead.

And whilst the future remains a little uncertain for now, things are beginning to look brighter. In addition, we are better equipped to deal with the challenges that have been thrown at us in recent times, such as remote and hybrid working. In fact, for many people in our network, the last two years have provided an opportunity for reflection, often delivering positive life changes.

Despite initial market concerns during the subsequent waves of Covid-19, our recruitment work at VMA GROUP has not stopped. We have enabled hundreds of marketing, communications and digital professionals to secure new and exciting career opportunities throughout the pandemic.

At the same time, we have worked with businesses ranging from start-ups and SMEs to global enterprises, helping them to find the best talent for their teams, despite the difficulties posed by remote hiring. At VMA GROUP we’ve certainly had our hands full, with many varied and interesting recruitment searches across the UK and across Europe.

On a personal note, I am incredibly proud of our VMA GROUP team for embracing new ways of working and ensuring we continue to deliver a high level of personal service in different and often difficult circumstances.

However, we really do hope that we can return to meeting a lot more people face to face next year, as it’s one of the great pleasures and privileges of the j