Message From the CEO: Communications and Marketing Teams Need to Prepare for the Change Ahead
Communications and marketing teams have been working at an incredible pace over the last 6 months, and even the most experienced leaders have been tested to their very limits by the Covid-19 crisis. The early autumn brought with it the hope that, with children returning to school, working life might return to a version of normal and some of us even started to make some attempts to return to our offices. 2020 however has not quite finished with us yet, and it seems that we all have more challenging times to negotiate.
From speaking to corporate communications, consumer communications and marketing leaders during our VMA GROUP Advisory Board online meetings, it’s clear that many want to get back to the strategies and plans they were focused on at the beginning of the year, with business leaders keen to push agendas forward and try to regain some of the momentum lost due to the pandemic.
A large volume of businesses have had to pivot their communications teams towards the most essential of activities throughout the crisis. Internal communications has continued to be at the heart of every organisations priorities and Brexit preparations and transitioning has continued to regain strategic focus over recent months.
Digital marketing and communications have long been essential to all organisations corporate and consumer activities but with consumer and business behaviours changing so dramatically this year, digital has taken huge leaps. Businesses have adapted where they can and those who have embraced the changes and taken chances and opportunities are the ones that are now starting to thrive.
There is no doubt that there is still plenty of change on it’s way. Organisations are reviewing their structures, how they operate and what they need to focus on for the months ahead. VMA GROUP have been supporting businesses with re-structuring and consulting services t