Five Minutes With Owen Price, a Senior Investor Relations Manager, Who Made the Move From Investment Banking to Investor Relations
I was recently asked whether Brexit had any effect on the UK investor relations (IR) job market. From a recruitment perspective, we have yet to see any clients cancelling their plans as a result of the uncertainty surrounding Brexit; equally we have not experienced a significant uplift in recruitment needs despite the communications challenges that lie ahead and the need for organisations to communicate the changes presented by Britain’s exit from the EU.
Compared to the financial crisis of 2007/08, we’ve seen confidence remain high as investor relations officers continue to look for new job opportunities, whereas during the financial crisis the vast majority of the market stopped looking for a job almost overnight, preferring instead to focus on job security with their existing organisation.
Overall, 2017 was a very busy year for us and in the first few weeks of 2018 we’ve already experienced a 50% increase from clients for new searches compared to the same period last year. With the new wave of r