Why Getting Communications Recruitment Right Is Key In Periods of Change
It’s no secret that the world is in the midst of a period of major change, led by climate challenges, political shifts and geopolitical conflicts. In this difficult and evolving environment, ensuring an organisation’s communications and messaging strategies are correct has never been more important. And securing the right skills to deliver this can make or break the effectiveness of a comms strategy. However, as employers will recognise, the marcomms market is still feeling the impact of skills shortages.
But why is messaging so key during times of change, and how can firms ensure they’re getting their communications recruitment right in order to secure the best talent in the market?
Communication in periods of change
Ultimately, any major transition – planned or not – is destined to fail without effective communication. Periods of organisational change are inevitable in today’s fast-paced business world, and mergers, restructures, digital transformations, crises and more all demand effective messaging to guide stakeholders.
During these times, having specialists on board who can cut through the noise is especially critical. In the UK political world, for example, the new Government has announced potentially unpopular moves, with tax increases one such example. Explaining the rationale behind such moves to those impacted, requires the right messaging and comms strategies.
Across the Atlantic, the recent US election result is likely to have a similar effect, and the only way to regain the support of at least some of the near 50% of the population who opposed the Republican Party will be through effective and powerful communication.
The same principles apply in the world of business and employment. In order to tak