Leading the Listening Organisation | Meet the Author
Who’s Listening? An Evening With Howard, Mike and Kevin.
You guessed it! Last Thursday (2nd May) Internal Comms professionals in London reunited for another Meet the Author event, this time with co-authors of "Leading the Listening Organisation", Dr Kevin Ruck, Howard Krais and Mike Pounsford, and what a brilliant evening it was.
Leading The Listening Organisation, published in December 2023, provokes thought around the importance of fostering a listening culture in businesses (see IoIC), and highlights the potential consequences of senior leaders not truly recognising the power of communications and listening to employees.
So Tell Me, What Did I Miss?
Once all sat with a drink in hand, the authors introduced themselves and were soon to kick-start a discussion, asking the audience "what makes someone a good listener?". The words 'compassion', 'empathy' and 'openness