How to Ace Your Next Job Interview
So, they liked your CV (thanks to our trusty tips!) and now you’ve secured an interview – halfway there right? Not quite! We hear all kinds of feedback following interviews at VMA GROUP, some of the very best and some not so good… Learn from these interviewers’ feedback and our top tips to help you ace your next job interview and bring you one step closer to your dream communications, marketing, digital or change role:
Look The Part
“One candidate lost out because he was not wearing a tie, while another didn’t wear a jacket. We’ve also had feedback regarding unwashed hair, too much make up and chipped nail polish!”
Even if you are going for an interview at a young consumer brand, err on the side of caution when it comes to dress code and personal presentation. The culture may be relaxed and informal but you will often be interviewed by a Director or the CEO, who may be a little more traditional or corporate.
Do Your Homework
“Potential employers have commented that candidates didn’t know who the Chief Exec was, couldn’t answer basic questions about the size of the business or, most importantly, the challenges they face.”
It sounds obvious, but it’s always surprising how many candidates don’t do their research. Interviewers are always impressed when a candidate knows their stuff, so before stepping into the interview make sure you’ve researched the company as much as you can. Looking into their website, social media and recent achievements can give you a better understanding of the organisation’s culture and values and help to convey a real passion and interest in joining their team! Be sure to use your recruiter to find out what the client is like and what to expect.