Construction - CIRIA - Head of Membership, Marketing and Comms

VMA GROUP Recruit Head of Membership, Marketing & Communications for CIRIA

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VMA GROUP Recruit Head of Membership, Marketing & Communications for CIRIA

Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) is a not-for-profit, member-based research organisation, which has delivered support and good practice guidance to the construction, built environment and infrastructure sectors for over 60 years. CIRIA works with industry leaders to encourage and support innovation and performance improvement through collaborative projects, publications, training, networks, events, and conferences.

Following an organisational restructure, CIRIA was looking for a Head of Membership, Marketing & Communications to join the organisation. Reporting directly to the CEO, the role involved developing membership services along with marketing and communications across the business.

However, the search proved to be challenging as CIRIA had reorganised the team to merge membership and marketing roles. Therefore, they were looking for a person with a specific skill set and experience within member recruitment and retention, commercial development, external engagement, as well as sponsorship.

VMA GROUP embarked on the search for the ideal candidate, who would have experience in developing and sustaining business strategies. The ability to implement marketing and communications campaigns, along with a proven history of business development and relationship management skills, was also essential. In addition, experience in the construction market or a membership-based organisation was highly desirable.

Following the search, Tam Simmons was appointed to the role. As a marketing communications professional, Tam’s proficiency in marcomms and stake