How to Get Hired - CV Advice for Internal Communications Professionals
A lot of people ask us for advice and feedback on their CVs so we thought we would share some tips which, in our opinion, are the most successful in a competitive market place.
CVs are subjective, meaning there is no definite right or wrong way to write your resume, but from our experience, successful internal communications applicants tend to do the following:
Write the CV From the Client’s Perspective
We often see candidates writing about what they think is important from their past experience and education, rather than thinking about what the client is looking for. We all know the successful internal communications candidate is the person who can prove they can add the most value to the client so when writing your CV (and cover letter) think about ‘Why do they want to hire?’ ‘What are their pain points?’ ‘How can you make a difference to the business?’
Think of the Audience
Who are you writing this CV for? Yes, the hiring manager, but most of the time your CV has to get past HR and ATS machines (applicant tracking systems). Even if you go through a specialist agency, we don’t always have the direct communication with the line manager, therefore you need to be reflecting the language of the job description in your CV, so that someone who doesn’t understand internal communication can clearly and easily see your skills and experience are in line with what they are looking for.
Sell Your Unique Selling Proposition
What makes you stand out from the other 100 IC appl