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Innovation: The Marketer’s Wheelhouse

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Innovation: The Marketer’s Wheelhouse

Written by Elinor Lara, Team Manager, Marketing Practice

In a world where technological advances are quickly creating new ways businesses can reach audiences, manufacture goods and transport products, the word ‘innovation’ is somewhat overused. However, its significance remains, as everyone must innovate. All businesses, whether they be a tarmac producer or paper clip manufacturer, an oil drilling firm or Bit-Coin (a purely digital form of currency) – they all require the management team to consistently look at themselves and seek ways to improve their offering and remain competitive. This notion is summed up nicely by Julian Tempest who said, “In a rapidly changing world, an enterprise that doesn’t innovate will quickly fall into decline”. You only need to look at the likes of Woolworths, HMV or Blockbuster for well documented examples of companies content with what they’ve got and not looking at what else is happening around them.

This is nothing new, nothing all of you reading this don’t already know, but who is responsible for innovation? Whose responsibility is it to understand the here and now and find ways to shake up the status qu