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How to Survive the First Few Weeks in Your New Job

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How to Survive the First Few Weeks in Your New Job

So you landed your dream job and you start next Monday. Congratulations - you beat out dozens of candidates that applied and set yourself apart from the handful that got interviewed. It is now time to live up to the expectation created and make an impact with your new employer.

Hopefully you have a good indication from your recruiter or their HR contact about what to expect and have had a running dialog with your line manager so you aren't going in cold. Even better if they have shared your induction schedule with you already and you have a desk and email address waiting for you. Sadly I still hear about people turning up for their first day and reception doesn’t know who they are or allow them access to site.

Besides the obvious stay calm, smile and remember to breathe, here are some survival tips to get you through your first few weeks.

1. Keep in Touch
I often encourage candidates to get in touch with their soon to be line manager while they are working their notice period. It can be weird to find out you got the job and then not speak to the person who was responsible for employing you until you start. Get the relationship working early before your head is overloaded with information. If appropriate have an informal coffee to meet the team so you will know some friendly faces on day one.

2. Treat Everyone as Important
You don't know who the key influencers are in the business so take the time out to listen to everyone equally and judge for yourself. Dismiss any go