Transition – Identity – Believe – Trust
This is my eighth month at VMA GROUP as a consultant in Europe. I have learnt various things whilst being here from my time working in the UK offices to moving over here in Europe. Certain recruitment terms were all double dutch to me at one point (no pun intended). Since joining VMA GROUP I have had the opportunity to be part of great discussions with top communications directors at our advisory board meetings. The latest advisory board discussion was about transition and identity.
I’m connecting with people every day who are either considering a career change, or are actively looking for new roles. Why do we make certain career moves and leave others aside?
A career move means transition. Transition is about how you see yourself. It’s about sharing values – sharing the organisation’s identity. Skills play a secondary part in this. A good result depends on identifying yourself and YOUR new role within the organisation. There is no doubt that we all want to have the opportunity to develop, to be creative and to be part of a great team.
The phrase “you are as good as the things you have done” in combination with being self-confident (without being arrogant) applies. Having the self-belief to let go and take on new opportunities.
How do we get the message across to communicate our values, needs and desires in a job where we want to add value?
We provide our clients and candidates with advice every day. To summarise my point, the four values TRANSITION – IDENTITY – BELIEVE – TRUST are very important when considering a career change. And of course we are more than happy to guide and support you along the way.
By Maaike Schröder, Consultant